A multi-district cancer lawsuit is currently underway in San Francisco, California. The suit alleges that Monsanto failed to warn the …
Could a Roundup recall be in our future? One can only hope. Monsanto’s leading weedkiller has been the subject of …
As you sit down to your various holiday feasts during the next week or so, maybe you ought to think …
There’s no surefire way to tell what you’re really eating for dinner these days. Food labels only brush the surface, …
It should come as no surprise that the use of Roundup comes with many negative effects, not just on humans, …
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is currently conducting a “registration review” of glyphosate to determine if the chemical is safe …
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is currently assessing the toxicity of the widely used herbicide, glyphosate, the active ingredient in …